Late Summer wildflowers in western North Carolina, and a surprise! — 2020-09-05

Late Summer, in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, brings with her a strong and varied color palette. The variety of wildflowers found in the Pisgah National Forest and along the Blue Ridge Parkway is just amazing. I began my morning preparing for a full day of botanizing, not completely expecting the onslaught of heavy traffic due,

Green Swamp adventure for Fringed Orchids — 2020-08-15

I’m getting too old for this, I think… The most recent post showing the images I made on the first day of my two-day adventure has been deleted by mistake, and there is no way to recover it. My bad. For those of you who were quick enough to view it — great! For the

The best laid plans of mice and men… 2020-08-03

Well, I thought I had the bloom pattern for Triphora trianthophoros or Three-birds orchid tied up in a nice bow, but boy was I wrong! All the signs pointed to another wave of blooms today, so I told a friend about it so that he could see them. Although I have photographed the first two

Second wave of Three-birds orchids — the big one! — 2020-07-28

Tsunami: an arrival or occurrence of something in overwhelming quantities or amounts. This second wave of Triphora trianthophoros or Three-birds orchids could be considered a tsunami of orchids. It is said that the second wave of a tsunami is the largest, and that is the case for what I saw today. Let’s start at the

Another “Three-birds” day in the Pisgah National Forest — 2020-07-22

After watching the weather map for my favorite Triphora trianthophoros or Three-birds orchid location in the Pisgah National Forest near Brevard, North Carolina, I saw the signs that this day should be a bloom day — the first wave of blooms for this season. The first wave is never the largest in terms of number

Mid-Summer wildflower color along the Blue Ridge Parkway — 2020-07-15

The Blue Ridge Parkway in western North Carolina is such a magical place for wildflowers that I just cannot hold myself back from visiting more than once during mid-Summer. The region experienced an awful lot of rain during the Winter and Spring, but late June and so far in July, it has been very dry.






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