Summer Solstice on the Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina — 2021-06-21

Staying for a few days at our tiny-house mountain cabin in western North Carolina, and it being the Summer Solstice, I figured this would be a great time to check out what was going on along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Walter Ezell and I had lots of chores to do at the cabin, but a

This ‘n That — 2021-06-04

There’s not lot going on around here the first week in June, so I decided to visit a couple of nearby South Carolina state Heritage Preserves to try to find something to photograph. The first place I decided to visit was Ashmore Heritage Preserve just off of Persimmon Ridge Road in upper Greenville County. The

Capturing Light – My Take on it… — 2021-05-21

I get sooooooo many questions about my photography set up and workspace that I thought I’d prepare a post about my camera equipment and a bit about how I achieve my results. Perhaps this might be of some help to you now or in the future. This is NOT a “how to” exercise, but just

Some Southern Yellow Lady’s-slipper orchids — 2021-05-11

The morning broke calm but cloudy with a slight chance of precipitation in the late afternoon. It was the time for the Yellow Lady’s-slipper orchids to be blooming just north of us in the DuPont State Forest near Cedar Mountain, North Carolina. I have photographed them during this time of year for several bloom seasons.

Springtime in the Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina — 2021-05-02

*** Warning: This is a particularly long post filled with dozens of images. So, grab a snack and a favorite beverage before plowing ahead… *** About a month ago, I received a note from a friend whom I had not seen in almost 15 years. He said it would be coming down to Asheville, North

My morning with the Ladies… — 2021-04-25

Cypripedium acaule or Pink Lady’s-slipper orchids, that is… After a full day and night of thunderstorms and heavy rain, the morning broke clear and cool. I would have preferred a bit of overcast, but you take what you can get. The trip up to one of my favorite South Carolina Heritage Preserves was fairly uneventful






    February 2025
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